Humanized care of the nursing professional and satisfaction of the external user Humanized care of the nursing professional and satisfaction of the external user
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The main objective of the research was to analyze the relationship between the humanized care offered by nursing professionals and the satisfaction of external users. Descriptive in nature, this study employed both descriptive and statistical methods within a descriptive correlational design. The variables considered were “Humanized Care” and “External User Satisfaction”. A sample of 59 outpatient clinic users was selected from a total of 70, using interviews as a data collection technique and two questionnaires as instruments. The findings revealed that 40.7% (24) of users rated humanized care as very good and were very satisfied; 23.7% (14) considered it good and felt satisfied; In contrast, 6.8% (4) perceived it as deficient and experienced high dissatisfaction. The conclusion of the research, with a p value of 0.000 (less than 0.05) and a correlation coefficient of 0.659, indicates a moderate and significant correlation between the humanized care provided by nurses and the satisfaction of external users at the Hospital de Support from Pichanaki, Chanchamayo.
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