Evidence-Based Nursing Intervention and Telehealth for the management of predisposing factors in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Evidence-based nursing intervention and telehealth for the management of predisposing factors in Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
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to evaluate the influence of evidence-based nursing intervention (EBE) and Telehealth for the management of predisposing factors in people with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) in the province of Tarma, positivist research, management the experimental design, the census population was made up of an experimental group of 32 people with DMT2, as an instrument a questionnaire was used, as a survey technique, the results show that 100% (32) of people with DMT2 who were subjected to the EBE and Telehealth interventions, 95% (30) improved abilities to control predisposing factors (lifestyles, harmful habits, among other factors), in addition to strengthening adherence to treatment, minimizing the development of complications. With a p value of 0.000, it is concluded that the intervention under the EBE and Telehealth methodology influences the management of predisposing factors in patients with T2DM.
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