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Proteins are components of cellular metabolism present in all living organisms, where they perform important functions that are related to their structure. These compounds have been studied using different techniques and methods, but in recent years with the use of new techniques, the structure-function paradigm has been changing. In this study, an analysis of the new knowledge about protein structure was carried out: the folds, motifs and domains that explain part of the functionality, intrinsically disordered proteins, also called PINEs or PIDs, and multifunctional proteins or Moonlighting, a concept more flexible in which the structure adapts to the functions it performs. The contribution of the new bioinformatic techniques in the analysis and organization of a large amount of information that is produced with the study of the structure, through X-ray crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), was reviewed. Also, the study of protein expression was analyzed through the electrophoresis technique, which continues to be a valuable and complementary tool to understand the effect of environmental factors on the development of organisms.
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