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Godofredo Román Lobato Calderón
Zoila Elvira Miraval Tarazona


Objectives: To carry out a systematic review and meta-analysis about anxiety, stress and depression as effects of COVID-19. Materials and methods: Systematic review and meta-analysis of studies published between January (2020) and February (2022) in the PubMed, Web of Science, LILACS, and SciELO databases. The screening and study were carried out by two researchers, based on the PRISMA 2020 methodology. Results: 110 records were screened, eliminating duplicate records, 96 publications were obtained (first phase) in a second phase 21 investigations remained, from there the articles were filtered, leaving 16 investigations for analysis, 2 referred to depression, 7 to anxiety, depression and stress and 7 developed the variable anxiety and effects of COVID-19. The meta-analysis showed 3 articles mentioning the 3 descriptors stress, depression and anxiety as an effect of COVID - 19, 5 articles mention two descriptors depression and anxiety in addition to anguish causing insomnia, 2 articles mention two descriptors stress and depression. Conclusions: Seven out of ten general practitioners evaluated presented symptoms of anxiety or work stress. A third of the population exposed to COVID-19 suffer from emotional disorders of anxiety, depression, stress in addition to post-traumatic stress and increased acute stress, frustration, loneliness, substance abuse, fear and insomnia. States need to activate mental health programs in response to and recovery from COVID-19.

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How to Cite
Lobato Calderón, G. R., & Miraval Tarazona, Z. E. (2023). ANXIETY, STRESS AND DEPRESSION AS EFFECTS OF COVID-19: A SYSTEMATIC REVIEW AND META-ANALYSIS. Advances in Science and Innovation, 2(1), 31–40.


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