Diagnosis of soils for reforestation with "Pinus patula" in a watershed in northeastern Peru.

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Jesús Rascón
Lily Juárez


The objective of this study was to identify soils near the Ventilla river basin, Molinopampa, Amazonas, Peru for reforestation purposes with Pinus patula. Soil and water for hydrographic basins were evaluated using the Soil Grids platform; ArcGis software was used at a 212,000 scale. The basin has areas with deep soils, with pH ranges ranging from 5 to 6.5 and with precipitation greater than 1000 mm and soils rich in organic matter, which are appropriate for the establishment of plantations with Pinus patula. The northern and northeastern areas of the basin present edaphoclimatic conditions with optimal characteristics for the reforestation of this forest species. Through reforestation, it is intended to preserve the water cushion of the hydrographic basin, prevent soil erosion, regulate the climate, support wild fauna and flora, and preserve the environment.

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How to Cite
Rascón , J., Juárez , L., & Silva , J. (2022). Diagnosis of soils for reforestation with "Pinus patula" in a watershed in northeastern Peru. Advances in Science and Innovation, 1(1), 22–33. https://doi.org/10.61210/asi.v1i1.3


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